In collaboration with Destiny Martial Arts, this Martial Arts Class is a specially designed program catering to 2-3-year-old children, aimed at fostering coordination, focus, and confidence building in a safe and enjoyable environment. This class emphasizes the involvement of guardians, recognizing the crucial role they play in the child’s development. This class provides a nurturing environment where toddlers and their guardians can embark on a journey of discovery and growth together. By integrating martial arts principles with fun and interactive activities, the class sets a solid foundation for lifelong learning and healthy development.
Tuesdays January 7, 14, 21, 28 |
9:30-10 AM |
Member* |
Non-Member |
$64 for 4 classes Includes: -all supplies/materials |
$80 for 4 classes Includes: -all supplies/materials -daily admission to PLAY on the day of class |
*Member pricing is available for children with an active PLAYzona Monthly Membership. To receive Member Pricing please use the directions sent via email or give us a call at (623) 440-6333.
Not a member yet and interested in adding a Monthly Membership for your child? Please click here or give us a call at (623) 440-6333.